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Main / Book Reviews: The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers
by Scott Kelby

The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers Some people make their living with a camera, and for these people the maturation of digital photo technology means a significant shift in their trade. The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers is for people who are already adept with a camera, and pretty much up to speed on the peculiarities of digital photography, too. The book teaches these people how to use Adobe Photoshop, the standard photo-editing software package. More accurately, the book explains how to use Photoshop for the kinds of work professional photographers do.

Case in point: The removal from photographs of what are politely called skin blemishes. Author Scott Kelby (the editor of Photoshop User offers two strategies: One you can use to remove all traces of a mark but which requires a fair amount of time, and another procedure that delivers "pretty good" results and which can be done on many pictures (such as a set of class portraits) rapidly. Kelby teaches by means of heavily illustrated procedures, each between five and 20 steps long and spanning several pages. A good way to use this book is by scanning the table of contents for a procedure that interests you (say, "Fixing Underexposed Photos," or "Pro Wrinkle Removal"). This will enable you to spot Photoshop techniques you hadn't considered. --David Wall

Topics covered : How to use Adobe Photoshop if, for you, the program is one tool out of many in a photographic kit. Tricks teach you how to recolor hair, whiten teeth and eyes, modify unflattering body contours, dodge and burn, apply filters for effect, assemble panoramas, and do a score of other slick photo jobs.

From the Back Cover
Scott Kelby's Digital Photography for Pro's is aimed at the professional photographer who is making the switch from traditional to digital photography. Digital photography is one of the fastest-growing tech markets and this book offers solutions to photographers in the digital world. Full-color, graphically rich, linear, tutorial, project-based examples of every key step in the digital photography process, from experimenting with camera settings, through capturing and manipulating the image, through editing, output and organization. Designed for the digital photographer who knows aesthetics but who wants a concise guide to "grip it and rip it" usage of digital technology. This book has the stuff that folks making the transition from film to digital need to know without skipping a beat in their work lives.

About the Author

Scott Kelby is Editor-in-Chief and co-founder of Photoshop User magazine, Editor-in-Chief of Nikon's Capture User magazine, and Editor-in-Chief of Mac Design Magazine. He is President of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), the trade association for Adobe. Photoshop. users, and he's President of KW Media Group, Inc., a Florida-based software education and publishing firm.

Scott is author of the best-selling books Photoshop 7 Down & Dirty Tricks and Photoshop Photo-Retouching Secrets, and co-author of Photoshop 7 Killer Tips, all from New Riders Publishing. He's a contributing author to the books Photoshop Effects Magic, also from New Riders; Maclopedia, the Ultimate Reference on Everything Macintosh from Hayden Books; and Adobe Web Design and Publishing Unleashed from Publishing. Scott has authored two best-selling Macintosh books: Mac OS X Jaguar Killer Tips, and the award-winning Macintosh: The Naked Truth, both also from New Riders.

Scott is Training Director for the Adobe Photoshop Seminar Tour and Conference Technical Chair for PhotoshopWorld (the twice-yearly convention for Adobe Photoshop users), and he is a speaker at graphics trade shows and events around the world. He is also featured in a series of Adobe Photoshop training videos and CD-ROMs and has been training Photoshop professionals since 1993. For more background info on Scott, visit

Product Description:

Finally, a Photoshop book that is written expressly for professional photographers and hi-end serious amateurs that doesn't talk about F-stops, exposures, and how to frame a shot (you know all that stuff already--if you don't¿I hate to say it, but this isn't for you).

This new book, from Photoshop User magazine editor and bestselling author Scott Kelby, starts at the moment your digital camera photos come into Photoshop, and he shows you the Photoshop pros techniques for managing, correcting, retouching and outputting your photos to knock your client's socks off, and turn you into a Photoshop production wizard. This book is absolutely ideal for traditional photographers who are making the jump to digital photography, and Scott's casual, step-by-step, plain-English style makes even the most complex Photoshop techniques seem so easy and accessible. It's the type of book that makes you smile and think "Ahhhh, so that's how they do it" and then immediately you realize "Hey, I can do this!"

The entire book is graphically rich, in full color cover-to-cover, and best of all it's packed with real-world project-based tutorials that will take you through the process of sizing your images with the proper resolution (and the secret to doing so without losing image quality), how to deal with High ISO noise, blue channel noise, and other common plagues introduced by digital cameras; you'll learn how the pros color correct their photos for output on everything from inkjet printers to printing presses, and the secrets to getting perfect fleshtones no matter where it¿s output. You'll learn the sharpening techniques today's top digital photographers use, and how the leading retoucher's perform "digital plastic surgery" in Photoshop, plus professional facial retouching techniques using Photoshop 7.0's amazing new tools.

Plus, you'll also learn how to manage your photos, "digital dodging and burning" tricks, dealing with common problems, making client presentations within Photoshop and on the Web, and the inside tips on how to work faster and more efficiently than you ever thought possible. If you're serious about digital photography and Photoshop, this is book you've been waiting for.

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Review source: Amazon

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