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Main / Book Reviews: Kodak Guide to 35MM Photography : Techniques for Better Pictures
by Eastman Kodak

Kodak Guide to 35MM Photography : Techniques for Better Pictures Photography books for beginners walk a fine line between being so detailed that they actually scare people away from photography and being so trivial that they are of little use once you gain some knowledge. In what has become something of a classic photographic text Kodak has walked that line with nary a miss-step.

The book is beautifully illustrated with photos that are not only technically correct but vibrant and interesting. All photos are published in full color on glossy paper. One of my pet peeves has always been photography books that are published in black and white on cheap paper. No matter how descriptive the text nothing conveys the effect of a polarizer or color filter like side by side photos that clearly show the final image.

The book takes you through all the major points that a novice will need to get started. This includes clear explanations of holding the camera, f-stops, aperture, focal length, depth of field, composition, films, filters, and on into black and white, infrared, and "seeing" rather then snapping.  This latest edition even includes a section on digital photography, scanning and printing.

The book is very readable and can be used just as effectively whether read cover to cover or as a reference while you try new things. If you are new to photography or a snap shooter looking to expand your horizons this is a great place to start.

If you're interested in buying this product, find the best prices here.

Review source: Vivid Light

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