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Real World Digital Photography
Bring your digital photography skills into line today's market! Whether you're just making the transition from a lifetime of traditional photography or are looking to bring your Digital photography skills in line with today's market, if you're serious about digital photography, you need this book.
Digital Nature Photography
How many professional photographers would consider filling an entire book with images taken purely on a digital camera? Even with the hundreds of books on the subject of digital photography many use very high-end equipment or the pictures are taken on film and scanned before the digitisation process takes place.
Everything Digital Photography Book: How to Take Great Pictures, Send Them to Your Friends and Post Them on the Web
Mastering a new digital camera can be fun and easy! If you're thinking of purchasing a digital camera or have just bought one, you'll need to know how to get things started. The Everything Digital Photography Book provides you with useful advice on every aspect of photography, from buying the right camera to framing beautiful images.
Flower Portraits: The Life Cycle of Beauty
Joyce Tenneson, best known for her portrait photography, has turned her sights on flowers in 'Flower Portraits: The Cycle of Beauty'. "As a portrait photographer, I see flowers not as mere decorations, but as distinctive personalities. When I make a human portrait, I try to discover some inner essence that helps crystallize that person's uniqueness. I photograph flowers with the same respect."
Digital Photography Pocket Guide
Digital has arrived in the world of photography. Although digital cameras have been around for several years, it has not been until more recent times that the quality of the images and functions of cameras began to rival their traditional film counterparts. Of course you may quibble that this technology arrived some time ago, but for most, until it was affordable it might as well have not been there.
Mastering Digital Photography and Imaging
Like certain people, some books are real "lookers" - Mastering Digital Photography and Imaging is that kind of book. When you first crack it open you are struck by (no surprise) the beautiful photography, though at second glance you will probably begin to notice the more subtle items such as the compositions, layouts, colors and text designs.
The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers
Some people make their living with a camera, and for these people the maturation of digital photo technology means a significant shift in their trade. The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers is for people who are already adept with a camera, and pretty much up to speed on the peculiarities of digital photography, too.
The Camera (Ansel Adams Photography, Book 1)
The Camera, together with The Negative and The Print, comprise The Ansel Adams Photography Series, a legendary triad of books about photographic technique that has become the most influential "how-to" series on photography ever written. The first edition of this series was completed in the 1950s.
The Negative (Ansel Adams Photography, Book 2)
The Negative is the second volume in the acclaimed and highly influential The Ansel Adams Photography Series. This second volume is anchored by a detailed discussion of Adams' Zone System and his seminal concept of visualization.
Variable Contrast Printing Manual, The
The Variable Contrast Printing Manual is the only comprehensive resource for photographers printing with variable contrast papers. Anchell provides a wealth of techniques and information to enable photographers to achieve the best possible results, and express their unique personal vision.
Lighting for Glamour Photography: A Complete Guide to Professional Techniques for Film and Digital Photography
We get quite a few questions from readers concerning studio lighting. Many of you want to go beyond on-camera flash and dabble in reflectors and lighting but you're not sure where to start or when to use these accessories.
Classic Glamour Photography: Techniques of the Top Glamour Photographers
The title of this book made me think of classic black and white glamour shots from the 40's and 50's. If ever a book was misnamed its this one. A better title might be Classic Erotic Photography.
Nude and Beauty Photography
This book is part of the Kodak Pro Series of books. In the past I've found the books in this series to be well written and informative and this one is no exception. Nancy Brown brings not only talent but a unique perspective to the writing of this book, having been a professional model herself before moving behind the lens.
Kodak Guide to 35MM Photography : Techniques for Better Pictures
Photography books for beginners walk a fine line between being so detailed that they actually scare people away from photography and being so trivial that they are of little use once you gain some knowledge. In what has become something of a classic photographic text Kodak has walked that line with nary a miss-step.
Light and the Art of Landscape Photography
This is not your typical photography text or how-to book. It's more like sitting at the light table with a seasoned pro while he pulls out favorite chromes and tells the stories behind each shot. And like each such session that I've participated in I learned a few things reading through Joe Cornish's book - both from the success he's had and the mistakes he's made.
