Main / Book Reviews: Classic Glamour Photography: Techniques of the Top Glamour Photographers
by Iain Banks, Revised by Duncan Evans
The title of this book made me think of classic black and white glamour shots from the 40's and 50's. If ever a book was misnamed its this one. A better title might be Classic Erotic Photography.
Like many similar books this one is divided into two parts. The first half of the book is a showcase of the work of Erotic Glamour photographers. It is a visual showcase of high quality erotic glamour photography, though the text in this section is little more than short pseudo articles about each photographer. You'll find inspiration in the images but you'll find very little meat in the text.
The second half of the book is another story. Banks goes into detail on every part of a model shoot, whether shooting on location or in the studio. His coverage includes equipment, forms, lighting, working in studios and on location, the photographer/model relationship, and what goes on in post production work. All in all an impressive reference for an experienced photographer who is beginning work in this area.
If you're interested in buying this product, find the best prices here.
Review source: Vivid Light